Marili Cancio Johnson P.A.
Attorneys at Law
Miami Office
Marili Cancio Johnson PA
150 S.E. 2nd Avenue Suite 1408
Miami, FL 33131

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Privacy policy.
Privacy Policy of Cancio Johnson
To Our Individual Clients:
Your privacy is important to us, and maintaining your trust and confidence is one of our highest priorities. We respect your right to keep your personal information confidential and understand your desire to avoid unwanted solicitations. We hope that by taking a few minutes to read it, you will have a better understanding of what we do with the information you provide us and how we keep it private and secure.
A. Types of Information We Collect
We collect certain personal information about you – but only when that information is provided by you or is obtained by us with your authorization. We use that information to prepare your personal income tax returns and may also provide various tax and financial planning services to you at your request.
Examples of sources from which we collect information include:
interviews and phone calls with you,
letters or e-mails from you,
tax return or financial planning organizers, and
financial history questionnaires.
B. Parties to Whom We Disclose Information
As a general rule, we do not disclose personal information about our clients or former clients to anyone. However, to the extent permitted by law and any applicable state Code of Professional Conduct, certain nonpublic information about you may be disclosed in the following situations:
To comply with a validly issued and enforceable subpoena or summons.
In the course of a review of our firm’s practices under the authorization of a state or national licensing board, or as necessary to properly respond to an inquiry or complaint from such a licensing board of organization.
In conjunction with a prospective purchase, sale, or merger of all or part of our practice, provided that we take appropriate precautions (for example, through a written confidentiality agreement) so the prospective purchaser or merger partner does not disclose information obtained in the course of the review.
As a part of any actual or threatened legal proceedings or alternative dispute resolution proceedings either initiated by or against us, provided we disclose only the information necessary to file, pursue, or defend against the lawsuit and take reasonable precautions to ensure that the information disclosed does not become a matter of public record.
To provide information to affiliates of the firm and nonaffiliated third parties who perform services or functions for us in conjunction with our services to you, but only if we have a contractual agreement with the other party which prohibits them from disclosing or using the information other than for the purposes for which it was disclosed. (Examples of such disclosures include using an outside service bureau to process tax returns or engaging a records-retention agency to store prior year records.)
C. Confidentiality and Security of Nonpublic Personal Information
Except as otherwise described in this notice, we restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to employees of our firm and other parties who must use that information to provide services to you. Their right to further disclose and use the information is limited by the policies of out firm, applicable law, our Code of Professional Conduct, and nondisclosure agreements where appropriate. We also maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in compliance with applicable laws and regulations to guard your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, or premature destruction.
Thank you for allowing us to serve your accounting, tax, and financial planning needs. We value your business and are committed to protecting you privacy. We hope you view our firm as your most trusted advisor and we will work to continue earning your trust. Please call us if you have any questions or if we can be of further service.
Terms of use.
Your use of the site is your acknowledgement that you understand the terms and conditions set out here and that you agree to comply with these terms and conditions. If you are unable to accept and abide by these terms, please do not use this site or its information. Also note that we may change these terms and conditions from time to time without otherwise providing notice. You should refer to this material whenever using the site.
All materials on this website are provided by Marili Cancio Johnson P.A. for informational purposes only and do not contain legal advice, legal opinions or any other form of advice regarding any specific facts or circumstances. The transmission and receipt of information contained on the Web site neither form nor constitute an attorney-client relationship with Marili Cancio Johnson P.A. and/or Susie Valls PA, or any of its partners, associates or consultants. Any use of the information contained on this web site or transmittal of information from emails on this web site do not give you a reasonable basis for a belief that that use creates an attorney client relationship.
It is important that we not create a conflict of interest between you and any of our current or past clients. This protects both you and them. Therefore, under no circumstance should you provide us with information pertaining to a matter without first speaking to one of our attorneys and receiving confirmation that the appropriate conflict checks have been cleared and the firm determines that it is otherwise able to accept the engagement.
If you email or otherwise provide information, materials or documents prior to your receipt of such confirmation and an appropriate engagement, we may not be able to treat that information as privileged, confidential or protected information. In addition, we can represent a party adverse to you even if the information you submit to us could be used against you in that matter.
Limitation of Liability:We make no warranties, representations or claims of any kind with respect to any of the information on this web site, including without limitation the accuracy, completeness and suitability for any purpose of this information. Under no circumstance shall Marili Cancio Johnson P.A. or any of its partners, associates, consultants or agents involved in the creation or delivery of the material on this web site be liable to you or anyone else as a result of damages from your access or use of material on this web site.
Some links within our web site may lead you to other sites (third-party sites). Marili Cancio Johnson PA does not have control over those sites and is not responsible for their content or your reliance on the information contained there. Our links to third-party sites do not necessarily create an endorsement or approval of any content on those sites. Once you go to a third-party site, you do so at your own risk. You are subject to the terms, conditions of use and privacy policies of the third-party site.